
Bad timing for real estate agent keira - scarf bound and gagged (mp4)
原画质 原始大小
清晰版 640×360
流畅版 320×180
文件大小: 455MB   视频时长: 00:17:45   文件格式: MP4
房地产经纪人凯拉来到一处房产,这处房产现在应该是空的,准备让新房主入住,但令她震惊的是,这所房子仍然设施齐全,看起来仍然有人住。她环顾四周,想看看前任房主是否在附近,但他却不见踪影。她走进厨房,看到一堆手提箱。她打开一个,以为里面会有房主的衣服和贵重物品,但哦不,她发现里面只有绳子、围巾、连裤袜和胶带。她立刻觉得发生了一些非常可疑的事情,而且是一些险恶的事情。她用寻呼机探查这个怪癖的箱子,但她没有听到前任房主偷偷走到她身后,用戴着皮手套的手捂住她的嘴。他现在遇到了一个问题,决定他唯一能做的就是约束她,直到他能收拾好他的必需品。这家伙肯定是陷入了困境,需要赶紧离开,所以他从束缚袋里拿出几条围巾和长袜,把可怜的凯拉绑在椅子上。凯拉随后抗议并抱怨要被释放,但这只会激怒那个男人,所以他从侧面抓起一条领带,从口袋里掏出一条手帕,塞进可怜的女孩的嘴里,然后她继续用领带缠绕她的头和嘴唇数次,然后离开,等他收拾好行李。凯拉挣扎着哭了一会儿,无法挣脱。那个男人下来查看她的情况,发现她仍然被绑着,嘴里塞着东西,又消失了。凯拉再次挣扎着挣脱,她成功了。她把手从长袜里抽出来,解开把她绑在椅子上的围巾。然后她把领带的塞子拉开,从嘴里吐出大手帕。她悄悄地试图逃跑,但沉默让男人起了疑心,于是检查了她的情况。他下楼看到凯拉已经挣脱了,于是迅速抓住她,再次将她束缚住。这一次,可怜的凯拉发现自己被丝绸和缎子围巾绑在地板上。他确保结结实实,紧紧地绑住她,防止她站起来跳开,然后他拿出一条蓝色的大手帕,再次捂住凯拉的哭喊声,为了确保她不会吐出抹布,他用另一条围巾堵住了她的嘴。凯拉再次被迫与束缚抗争,而男人则逃走了。谁知道她还要这样被绑多久,因为房地产中介现在已经关门了,工作人员也回家了。看来她要呆到周末了Real estate agent keira turns up to a property that should now be empty and ready for the new home owners to move in but to her shock the house is still fully furnished and still looks lived in. She looks around to see if the previous owner is about but he is nowhere to be seen. She heads into the kitchen where she comes across a bunch of suitcases. She opens one thinking she would find the owners clothes and valuables inside but oh no, instead she finds rope, scarves, pantyhose and tape. Immediately she thinks something very suspicious is going on and something sinister. She digs beeper into the kink case and as she's doing so she doesn't hear the previous owner sneak up behind her and clamp his leather gloved hand over her mouth. He now has a problem on his hands and decides the only thing he can do is restrain her until he can finish packing his essentials. This guy must be in hot water and needs to leave fast so he grabs some of his scarves from his bondage bag and some stockings and ties poor keira up to a chair. Keira then protests and complains to be released but this only angers the man so he grabs a tie from the side and pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket and stuffs it into the poor girls mouth she then proceeds to wrap the tie around her head and between her lips a number of times and leaves her while he finishes packing. Keira struggles and crys for a while unable to free herself. The guy comes down to check on her and sees she is still bound and gagged and disappears again. Keira again struggles to free herself which she manages to do. She slips her hands out from the stockings and untie the scarves keeping her bound to the chair. She then pulls the tie gag away and spits out the large waded hanky from her mouth. She quietly trys to escape but the silence makes the man suspicious and checks on her. He comes down stairs and sees keira has freed herself and he quickly moves to grab her and once again restrain her. This time poor keira finds herself being hogtied on the floor with silk and satin scarves. He make sure the knots are nice and tight and he hog Tues her to prevent her from standing and hopping away, he then pulls out large blue handkerchief and once again muffles keiras crys and screams and to make sure she doesn't spit out the rag he uses another scarf to cleave gag her. Once again keira is left to fight against her bonds as the man makes his getaway. Who knows how long she will be left like this as the estate agents are now closed and the staff have gone home. Looks like she's staying put fir the weekend

片名:Bad timing for real estate agent keira - scarf bound and gagged (mp4)


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