身穿比基尼的娜塔莉亚在泳池里挣扎,并向 UltraGirl 求助。UltraGirl 听到了,飞到泳池边,跳入泳池,用摇篮将她抱出泳池。娜塔莉亚看起来没事,并感谢 UltraGirl,但 UltraGirl 开始感到头晕目眩。娜塔莉亚透露,这是一个陷阱,泳池里有化学物质,会使 UltraGirl 虚弱。UltraGirl 头晕目眩地问女孩为什么没有受到影响,女孩说她在进入泳池前服用了解毒剂。UltraGirl 试图伸手抓住女孩,但虚弱地摔倒了。当 UltraGirl 试图爬开时,女孩抓起一个桶,从泳池里打出水,浇在 UltraGirl 身上,以“结束她”。当 UltraGirl 头晕目眩地倒在地上时,女孩拿走了 UltraGirl 的力量腰带和靴子。超级女孩晕得无法阻止她,女孩拿出绳子绑住了她的脚踝、膝盖和手腕。她用胶带绑住超级女孩的嘴,并向超级女孩身上倒了最后一桶水。超级女孩被绑着,头晕目眩,时而昏迷时而昏迷。超级女孩醒来,扭动着身子,挣扎着想要挣脱。她会逃脱并报仇吗?还是永远失去超能力?Nathalia, in a bikini, is struggling in a pool and calling out to UltraGirl for help. UltraGirl hears, flies to the pool, dives into the pool and cradle carries her out. Nathalia appears to be fine and thanks UltraGirl but then UltraGirl starts feeling woozy. Nathalia reveals that it's a trap and the pool had chemicals in it to make UltraGirl weak. UltraGirl woozily asks how the girl wasn't affected and the girl says she took an antidote right before getting in the pool. UltraGirl tries to reach out to grab the girl but falls down weakly. As UltraGirl tries to crawl away, the girl grabs a bucket, pulls water out of the pool and pours it on UltraGirl to "finish her off." As UltraGirl is woozy on the ground, the girl takes UltraGirl's power belt and boots. UltraGirl is too woozy to stop her as the girl pulls out some rope and ties her ankles, knees, wrists. She tapes UltraGirl’s mouth and pours one last bucket of water on UltraGirl. UltraGirl is woozy fading in and out as she is left tied up. UltraGirl wakes up squirming and struggling to get free. Will she escape and get her revenge or lose her powers forever?