当马丁把我的头发绑在脚踝上,把我的脖子绑在脚后跟上时,我从那时起就完全处于痛苦之中。无论我多么用力地弓起身体,或者我多么努力地把脚向前伸,都无济于事。我脸上流着口水和泪水,只有当马丁好心地把魔杖滑到我的两腿之间,让我获得短暂的快乐时,我才能从痛苦中解脱出来。When Martin ties my hair to my ankles and my throat to my heels, I was in full fledged suffering from then on. It didn't matter how hard I arched or how much I tried to bring feet forward, nothing helped. It was all drool and tears flowing from my face and the only time I could get away in my head was when Martin was nice enough to slide the wand between my legs and give me momentary pleasure.